Dynamic WorkSystems

Educational Leadership Consulting


Helping you bring forth the thinking strengths and talents of your team members.





With teams moving at breakneck speed, Executive Team members are shifting quickly and frequently need greater understanding of their fellow leaders to be an effective, efficient team. Meetings can go awry easily when trust and understanding is low. 

Our work with teams begin with helping the team members understand their value differences, the team strengths and where there is group think that leads to blind spots.

Executive Team training focuses on the thinking competencies of the team and each team member using the science of axiology.  Each team member completes a 15 minute value profile assessment and receives a personalized Thinking Report.  DWS reviews the report with each individual and uses the team summary in a workshop with the entire team. Thinking differences as well as management demands that accompany the team are explored.  DWS provides the Executive Team Leader with suggestions on how to effectively communicate with and motivate each direct report using the Team Directory.

Ready to begin building your awesome team's dynamics?


As with Executive Teams, Department members shift quickly and frequently need greater understanding of their peers to be an effective team.  DWS’s work with Department teams begins with helping the team members understand the value differences of the members and the team’s strengths as a whole. 

Department Team training focuses on thinking competencies of each team member using the science of axiology.

Each team member will be asked to complete a 15-minute value profile assessment and will receive a personalized Thinking Report.  DWS reviews the report with each individual and a team summary with the entire team. Thinking differences as well as management demands that accompany the team are explored.  DWS provides the Department Leader with suggestions on how to effectively communicate with and motivate each direct report using the Team Directory.


Board Members come with different talents, knowledge and skills. This workshop helps the Board to identify their strengths, differences and opportunities to work successfully together to achieve the organization’s vision.

DWS’s work with Board Members begins with helping each team member understand the value differences of the members, the team strengths and blind spots.

Organizational leaders find that an outside voice facilitating the conversation and clarifying roles can enable the Governing Board team to work successfully together to make significant strategic decisions and establish policies

The Framework for School Board Development outlines the vision, structure, accountability, advocacy and unity needed to promote excellence in Board governance so that student academic achievement goals are attained.  DWS works with the Board to develop their shared vision, Board goals and accountability process that measures how well the vision is being accomplished. Sessions focus on the thinking dimensions of each team member using the science of axiology.  Each team member receives a personalized Thinking Report.  DWS reviews the report with each member individually and a team summary with the team as a whole.  DWS provides the Board members with suggestions on how to effectively communicate, motivate and achieve excellence using a Team Directory.

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